RESIGHT Investors uses an iterative process to evaluate each project separately to quickly determine whether to proceed with additional due diligence. The evaluation process considers and creates value separately for both land and environmental matters. Doing so more accurately depicts the varying risks and rewards related to each aspect of the investment.
Specifically, the following criteria are considered for each new investment opportunity:
Transaction Size – Investment in single assets or portfolios of real estate and/or loan assets with total capital invested in the range of $2 million to $20 million.
Holding Period – Holding periods and exit strategies differ for each property; however the target holding period is three to five years.
Property type – Existing industrial, retail and office, as well as infill land and underutilized assets with commercial development potential.
Target Markets – Major metropolitan areas throughout the United States and Canada. Will look at smaller market areas if the market dynamics indicate a value proposition. As a real estate investment firm first, emphasis is placed on residual value of the asset.
Deal Structure – “AS IS, WHERE IS” fee simple purchase, with a “quick close” usually within 60-90 days.
Types of Investments Considered for Purchase
- Direct real estate acquisitions (portfolios and single assets)
- Co-investment with buyers of mixed portfolio pools by carving out the subset of impaired assets
- Sale-Leaseback to corporate users
- Performing and non-performing loans secured by real estate